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Form remote access, please check out the "Remote Access" tabs under individual eBook Collections.



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Step 1: Apply for a Citrix account

You or your manager can submit a request for remote access via Citrix to ICT via EH Assist (need to be onsite to access EH Assist).

Step 2: Login to the Staff Citrix Portal > Open Remote Desktop.

Step 3: Click on here: EBSCO eBook Collections via Chrome on your Remote Desktop.

Step 1: Apply for a Citrix account

You or your manager can submit a request for remote access via Citrix to ICT via EH Assist (need to be onsite to access EH Assist).

Step 2: Login to the Staff Citrix Portal > Open Remote Desktop.

Step 3: Click on here: Emergency Medicine Manual Online via Chrome on your Remote Desktop.

There are 4 online versions of the Manual you can access from the ‘Contents' tab on the main menu.


Version 3 is the version best suited to most devices, especially mobiles and tablets. It has a fully responsive format that changes layout according to screen/window size, and navigation and display that is best suited to the widest range of devices. This version also has predictive text search and page bookmarking features.


Version 1 also works well on most high powered devices and also has a responsive format that changes layout according to screen/window size.


Version 2 is best suited for devices with fewer features, and may run a bit quicker. As it is not responsive in format, it can be hard to use on devices with small screens. It is no longer updated, with the last update being in August 2018, so is not recommended.


Legacy version. This version is the old version of the online manual that has not been updated since October 2014. It remains because some of the answers of the MCQs and EMQs have links to its pages and it requires the lowest bandwidth to access – however it is not recommended as a source of contemporary clinical information.

Sections cannot be downloaded directly from the Manual. You can however save a chapter or section as a PDF file from the Print menu. To open the PDF file on your device a reader such as Adobe Reader is required.

OVID ebooks


You can access OVID eBooks when not on the Eastern Health network via the Clinicians Health Channel.

You must have a current registration for the Clinicians Health Channel. if you have not registering with CHC, please click here to register.

Log into the Clinicians Health Channel and then click on the links for "Ovid Medline" or 'Embase on Ovid".

On the Ovid database search screen, click on Books in the blue menu bar.

OVID ebooks


The OVID platform uses a responsive design which means that the layout of the pages will automatically adapt for viewing on the mobile device you are using.

By default books on OVID open as an HTML file. Sections can be printed. Chapters can be saved as a text or HTML file to your device. 

You can also email content or add a book to a Project.

OVID provides an option to read books using the OVID BookReader. 

When viewing books in the BookReader options under the Tools menu include

OVID Bookreader tools


This 1 minute video shows how to download content from Books@OVID

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