Eastern Health staff can access electronic library resources from home. Access is provided in three ways:
For more information on remote access to resources see below. If you need assistance or have questions about remote access contact the Eastern Health Library Service on 9895 3200 or 9871 3532.
EH Staff can access the EHLS electronic resources when offsite via Citrix*.
Step 1: Apply for a Citrix account
You or your manager can submit a request for remote access via Citrix to ICT via EH Assist (need to be onsite to access EH Assist).
Step 2: Access to our library eResources page to look for the specific eResources you after
Login to the Staff Citrix Portal > Open Remote Desktop > Copy this link: https://easternhealth.libguides.com/home and search via Chrome from your remote desktop.
The Clinicians Health Channel (CHC) is an online information portal funded by the Victorian state government that aims to improve quality and safety in healthcare by providing access to high quality, evidence-based resources.
CINAHL Complete is a comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full-text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. It contains full-text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo.
Access Eastern Health Library's journal collection offsite on your mobile device using the Browzine app for iOS and Android.
Sign into the Browzine app by choosing “Eastern Health Library Service” as your library and then signing in with your Eastern Health email and password. You may be prompted to create a Browzine account afterwards, and then you will have access to the journal collection. Browse journals by topic or search by journal title.
© Eastern Health Library Service 2021-2023