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_Eastern Health Library Service_: Emergency Medicine

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To access the AIDH when offsite, you must have previously registered with the Clinicians Health Channel. Type the AIDH address (above) into your device's browser, then enter your CHC account username and password to login.

The Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook 7th edition is device responsive and can be used on most devices with an internet connection and a web browser (smartphone, tablet and desktop). 


Browse print and ebooks on specific topics. Click the relevant book cover or topic heading

If you are outside the Eastern Health network and would like to access journal articlesplease login to Citrix first and then access this page.

   Explore Critical Care journals with BrowZine

Browse journals in
Critical Care Medicine

BrowZine is a browsable newsstand of our library’s top journals.Easily

discover and read the key journals in your field.

   Explore Emergency Nursing journals with BrowZine

Browse journals in 
Emergency Nursing

BrowZine is a browsable newsstand of our library’s top journals.Easily

discover and read the key journals in your field.

   Explore Critical Care Nursing journals with BrowZine

Browse journals in
Critical Care Nursing

BrowZine is a browsable newsstand of our library’s top journals.Easily

discover and read the key journals in your field.


Browse print and ebooks on specific topics. Click the relevant book cover or topic heading.

If you are outside the Eastern Health network and would like to access to eBooksplease login to Citrix first and then access this page.

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Eastern Health Library Service acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live and work, and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


  Eastern Health Library strives to be an inclusive hospital library service.




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